On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to the text on p. 188, did listening ex. 5a on p. 192 and filled in the blanks "ajan ja paikan ilmaisut" on p. 194. In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.
15.4.On zoom, we checked the homework, did the intonation exercises on p. 184-185. We started Unit 8 by doing ex. 1 (p. 186-187) in groups and checked the key vocabulary. We listened to the vocabulary on p. 189 and listened to "The reunion" on p. 188. Homework: Translate p. 188 text and do these "Say 4" lines.
8.4.On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to "Emailing" on p. 173-174 examples. We did exercises 9 & 10 on p. 175, 12a on p. 178, studied pages 180-182and did exercises 15 in pairs and 16 on p. 183. Homework: Do this "Say 4 in English".
25.3.On zoom, we checked the homework, read the job advertisement on p. 166 and translated it. We studied be vs. have on p. 169 and ex. 5 on p. 170, studied p. 171 "of" and did ex. 7 and 8 on p. 172. We also listened to the text on p. 176 and read it. Homework: Do ex. 4 on p. 168 and 11a on p. 178.
On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to text & examples on p. 160, did listening exercise 20 on p. 162 & ex. 15. We started Unit 7 by doing ex. 1a on p.164 and studying more vocabulary and read ex. 1b. Homework: Do exercise 3 on p.167 and 13 (countries) on p. 179.
On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to text on p. 153, did ex. 13 (p.154), studied there is/are/was/were on pages 156-157. We did ex. 16a on p.158 and ex. 19 on p. 161. Homework: Do ex. 18 on p.161 and this additional vocabulary exercise.
We listened and read the text "Nature´s fireworks" on p.142-143, did an additional exercise on weather vocabulary and ex. 4a on p. 144 & 5a on p. 145, studied yleis- and kestopreesens on p. 146-148 and did an additional exercise on it. Homework: Do exercises 6 and 7 on pages 148-149.
We checked the homework, studied "should, could" on p. 135-136, did ex. 15a on p. 136, studied "can" on p. 137 and did ex. 17 and 18 on p. 138-139. Started Unit 6 by exercise 1b on p.141 and by studying weather vocabulary (p. 150) and did ex. 10a. Homework: Read with Otso application the text on p. 142-143.
We checked the homework, listened to p. 127 "emergency symptoms", did ex. 9a on p.128, ex. 10 on p. 129, listened to pages 130-131 and did ex. 11. We also listened to text " A visit to the A&E", p. 132-133. Homework: Do ex. 9b on p. 128 and 13 on p. 134. Next week, we have a small vocabulary test on p. 121, 127, 133 and the photocopy "vapaa-aikaan liittyviä sanontoja".
We checked the homework, did exercise 6b (p. 124), went through a new photocopy (vapaa-aikaan liittyvä sanasto, picture on p. 118) and reviewed imperfect on p. 124-125. Homework: Finish lines 39-44 of photocopy "Say 4 in English" and do ex. 8a on page 126.
We checked the homework, listened to "the hike" on p. 120-121 and translated it. We did exercise 3 on page 122, finished key vocabulary on p. 119 and started ex. 6a bodyparts on p. 123. Homework: Say 4 photocopy, lines 30-38, exercises 4a on p. 122 and 6a bodyparts.
We checked the covid-19 situation in England, https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus and had a quick look at https://bideninaugural.org/ We checked "Say 4 in English" lines 11-19, revised numbers with exercise 14a&b (p. 115-116) and had a look at key vocabulary on p. 119. Homework: Read "The Hike" text & vocabulary on p. 120-121 using Otso - application (käytä Otso-sovellusta kännyssä/tabletissa), do "Say 4 in English" lines 20-29.
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