perjantai 18. syyskuuta 2020

Englannin, ranskan ja italian kielen kurssilaisille

Näistä seuraavista sivuista voitte kerrata ja harjoitella lisää: ilmainen äppi, sekä kirjoitettu että ääntäminen ranskan kielen opiskelijoille

arttu ja sanastot, ilmaiset sovellukset kännykälle, ranskan ja italian kielen opiskelijoille.

otso -sovellus (ilmainen) englannin kielen opiskelijoille kännyyn ja tabletille.

arttu & sanastot- sovellukset (ilmainen) ranskan ja italian kielen opiskelijoille.


Italiaa melkein alusta, mercoledì 18.45-20.15



Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), abbiamo studiato (opiskelimme) adverbit (p. 148), ci (p. 149) e "bene-buono-bello" (p. 149). Abbiamo fatto (teimme) gli esercizi 13 e 14 (p. 149-150). Abbiamo letto "prepositiot in, di, su" (p. 151 e fatto gli es. 15 e 16a (p. 151). Alla fine, abbiamo giocato (pelasimme, leikimme) un gioco (leikki, peli) sulle parole. Ognuno ha pensato (ajatteli) ad una parola e poi ha dato (antoi) degli indizi (vinkkejä) di questa parola non utilizzandola (come alias in finladese). Quest' era (oli) la nostra ultima lezione di questa primavera.


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), abbiamo studiato (opiskelimme) pers.pron. prepositioiden kanssa (p. 145), da quanto tempo? (p. 146), i verbi irregolari USCIRE e VOLERE (p. 147), abbiamo fatto (teimme) gli esercizi 9a (p. 146), 10b (p. 147), in gruppi es. 11 (p. 147) e un ascolto "e ancora" alla pagina 153. Compiti: Fai gli esercizi 3 (p. 155) e 4b (pag. 156).


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät),  abbiamo tradotto (käänsimme) il testo (p. 139) alla fine. Abbiamo ascoltato (kuuntelimme) "Tempo libero", il vocabolario alle pagine 141-142 e fatto l' es. 4 (p. 142) e es. 6 (p. 143). Abbiamo studiato (opiskelimme) "Mi piace/ mi piacciono" (p. 144) e fatto l' es. 7a (p. 144) e in gruppi es. 8 (p. 145). Compiti: Fai es. 2 (p. 155) e quest' es. in più. La settimana prossima abbiamo un esame di vocabolario sulle pagine 137, 141-142 e 157.


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), abbiamo ascoltato (kuuntelimme) il testo alla pag. 139, abbiamo letto (luimme ryhmissä) e abbiamo cominciato a tradurlo (aloitimme tekstin kääntämisen).  Abbiamo fatto (teimme) gli esercizi alla p. 138 a e b. Compiti: fai gli esercizi 2a e 3a (p. 140-141).


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), abbiamo fatto (teimme) ylimääräisiä tehtäviä prepositioista a/da/in sekä verbi + da. Abbiamo fatto (teimme) ylimääräisen kuunteluharjoituksen (un incontro=kohtaaminen, un appuntamento=tapaaminen). Compiti: Fai (tee) gli esercizi 5 & 6 (p. 135) e 8a (p. 136).


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), opiskelimme si-passiivin (p. 128), teimme es. 12a&b (p. 128), prepositiot a/in (p. 129), da (p.130), teimme es. 15, 16a&b (p.130). Compiti: Fare gli esercizi 13a (p.129), es. 4 (p.135) e questo es. in più (löydät sen pdf:stä).


Abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), kuuntelimme ja toistimme (abbiamo ascoltato e ripetuto) le pagine 120-121, 122-123, i verbi capire e preferire (p. 124) ed espressioni utili (p. 131). Abbiamo fatto (teimme) l'esercizio 5 (p.123) e studiato i verbi "potere e sapere" (p. 126). Compito: Scrivi (scrivere verbo = kirjoittaa) l'esercizio 8  (p. 126). Kirjoita harj. 8 kaikkien verbien taivutukset.


Abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät),  studiato "il fine settimana" (yleisempi ilmaisu) e "una buona fine della settimana", kuuntelimme tekstin p. 120-121 ja "in giro per la città" p. 122-123. Abbiamo fatto (teimme) l'esercizio 4 (p. 123) e studiato la differenza (ero) tra c'è (there is englanniksi) e ci sono (there are englanniksi). Teimme ylimääräisen harjoituksen tähän liittyen. Compiti: Fare l'esercizio 9 (p. 127), leggere (lue) pagina 124 e fai l'esercizio 6a&b (p. 124). Olemme kielistudiossa 24.2.!


Abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), teimme ylimääräisen tehtävän yksikön & monikon kanssa + ylim. esercizio "le posate", opiskelimme un po' di alla pagina 112 e es. 17 p. 113. Kuuntelimme 2A che ora ci vediamo?" alla p. 120 ja teimme es. a&b p.119. Kuuntelimme uudestaan "i giorni della settimana" p. 119. Compiti: Abbiamo un piccolo esame di vocabolario (sanakoe) su capitolo 6, pagine 103, 109 adjektiivit e 118.


Abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), kuuntelimme& toistimme tekstit "Buon appetito" (p. 100-101), "Al ristorante" p.103, "Espressioni utili" p. 114 e "I giorni della settimana" p. 119, studiato (opiskelimme) Poco p.112 ja teimme es. 15 (p. 112) & es. 14 (p.111). Compiti: Fai gli esercizi "Digestivo" 1-5, pagine 116-117. 


Abbiamo verificato i compiti (tarkistimme kotitehtävät), opimme paljon kielioppia: luimme kirjan s. 280-281 oikeinkirjoitus (substantiivit ja adjektiivit) e abbiamo studiato (opiskelimme) gli aggettivi (adjektiivit) alle pagine 108-109. Compiti: Fai l' esercizio 12 alla pagina 110. Olemme kielistudiossa 3.2.!


Abbiamo guardato la situazione della pandemìa in Italia, cosa si può fare e cosa no. Katsoimme koronatilannetta Italiassa; mitä saa ja mitä ei saa tehdä. Teimme ylimääräisiä kertausharjoituksia (yksikkö+monikko, verbit, numerot, itsestä kertominen). Kuuntelimme uudestaan "Buon appetito" alla pagina 100-101. Opimme preposiot tra/fra, con e senza alla pagina 108. Compiti: Finisci (tee loppuun) moniste, esercizi 4-5, esercizio 10 alla pagina 108.












Italiaa edistyneille, mercoledì 17.00-18.30



Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti, abbiamo revisionato i verbi riflessivi (alzarsi, sedersi etc.) e fatto alcuni esercizi su questi verbi. Abbiamo fatto l' esercizio di ascolto "contorni" alla p. 190 e letto il testo alla pagina 191. Alla fine, abbiamo giocato (pelasimme, leikimme) un gioco (leikki, peli) sulle parole. Ognuno ha pensato (ajatteli) ad una parola e poi ha dato (antoi) degli indizi (vinkkejä) di questa parola non utilizzandola (come alias in finladese). Quest' era la nostra ultima lezione di questa primavera.


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti, abbiamo ascoltato e letto i testi alla p. 176. Abbiamo fatto gli esercizi alla p. 180, es. 4 e 5 in gruppi. Abbiamo ascoltato il vocabolario tematico alle p. 181-183 e fatto es. 6 (p. 183), es. 8 alla pagina 184. Abbiamo studiato l' imperativo (teitittely Lei) alla pag. 185 e fatto es. 9 (p.186). Compiti: Fai/ fà es. 12 (p. 188) e questo esercizio in più (trovi nel pdf).


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti e abbiamo studiato le parole della canzone "Musica Leggerissima" di Colapesce Dimartino. Abbiamo cominciato capitolo 8 con gli esercizi alla pagina 173. Abbiamo ascoltato, letto e tradotto il testo (p. 174-175) e fatto un es. in più sul vocabolario del testo.  Compiti: Fai/ fà questi, gli trovi nel pdf. 


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti, abbiamo letto un articolo sulla felicità finlandese della Repubblica, abbiamo studiato p. 167 farcela e fatto gli esercizi 22 e 23a. Abbiamo letto e tradotto il testo su Margherita Hack alla pagina 169.  Compiti: fai l' esercizio 7 alla pag. 172 e questo esercizio in più.



Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti, abbiamo fatto una cruciverba insieme, esercizio 18 (p. 164) in gruppi, abbiamo studiato le pagine 165-166 e fatto l' esercizio 20 (p. 166). Compiti: Fai gli esercizi 15 (p. 162) e 6 (p. 172).


Su zoom, abbiamo verificato i compiti, abbiamo studiato l'imperativo (käskymuodot yks&mon) alle pagine 157,159 e 161. Abbiamo fatto gli esercizi 10 (p. 157), 12a (p.158), 13 (p. 160), es. 4a (p. 171). Abbiamo ascoltato "contorni" alla p. 168. Compiti: fare l'esercizio 4b (p. 171) e l'esercizio 11 (p.158).


Abbiamo verificato i compiti, ascoltato e ripetuto i testi alle pagine 148-149, 150 e 154. Abbiamo fatto gli esercizi 2a,b&c (p. 152-153), 3 (p. 153) e 9 (p. 156).  Compiti: Fare gli es. 8a (p. 156) e 1&2 (p. 170).


Abbiamo verificato i compiti, fatto gli esercizi 12 (p.136), digestivo 1 (p. 144) e 6 (p.146). Abbiamo cominciato capitolo 7 con gli esercizi A e B (p. 147), guardando il vocabolario (p. 154)  e discutendo le materie alla scuola, es. 7a (p. 155). Compiti: Fare gli esercizi 2-4 p. 144-145. Siamo nello studio di lingue 24.2.!


Abbiamo verificato i compiti, chiesto delle domande in gruppi, studiato il "pluskvamperfekti" p. 134-135 e il verbo togliere alla p. 138 e DA-prepositio p. 139-140. Abbiamo fallto gli esercizi "contorni" p. 141, es. 10 p. 135. Compiti: Fare l'esercizio 18 p. 140. La settimana prossima abbiamo un esame di vocabolario su capitolo 6, pagine 127,130, 133 (l'informatica), 142 e il verbo togliere p. 138.


Abbiamo verificato i compiti, letto & ripetuto i testi sulla pag. 126 e "Benvenuti in Finlandia" p. 130, fatto l'esercizio 8 (p. 132). Compiti: Fare l'esercizio 5 (p. 131), leggere i testi "curiosità natalizie", pagine 142-143.


Abbiamo verificato i compiti, tradotte il testo su pagine 124-125, fatto un esercizio di discussione e es. 2a&b (p.128-129) e es. 9a&b (p. 133). Compiti: Esercizi 13 e 14 su pagina 137. Siamo nello studio di lingue 3.2.!


Abbiamo guardato la situazione della pandemìa in Italia, cosa si può fare e cosa no. Abbiamo ripetuto il perfetto e l'imperfetto con extra esercizi e verificato vostri compiti alle pagine 120-122. Abbiamo ascoltato il testo "Paese che vai usanze che trovi" (p. 124-125) e fatto gli esercizi alla p. 123. Compiti: finire la fotocopia, es. 1 & 2. Leggere il testo e il vocabolario di nuovo utilizzando "arttu" applicazione.

sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2019

Arkipäivän englantia 3, Thursday 18.45 - 20.15



On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of the song "How you remind you" by Nickelback and watched the video. We did p. 202 pronunciation exercise in groups. In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring. 


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of the song "Shy" by Sonata Arctica" and watched the video. We did listening exercise 15 on pages 194-195 and started in pairs did ex. 1 on p. 197. Homework: Do "Say 4" lines 20-44 (you find this in the pdf).


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of the song "Raod to nowhere" by Talking Head and watched the video. We read through p. 188 and studied pages 189-190, discussing about the future and did ex. 12 a&b on p. 191 and an additional exercise on this.  Homework: Do ex. 13a on p192 and this "Say 4 in English". We have a vocabulary test next week on pages 169, 182, 184 and 188.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of "I just called to say I love you" by Stevie Wonder and watched the video. We studied pages 184-185, driving in the US and US roadsigns. We listened, read and translated in pairs the text on p. 181-182. Homework: Do ex. 11a&b on p. 186-187.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of "Brothers in Arms" by Dire Straits and watched the video, listened to text on p. 176-177 and did an additional group work to do with situations at the market and did listening exercise 8 on p. 179. Homework: Write down the conversation of ex. 7a on p. 178.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied the lyrics of "We built this house" by the Scorpions and listened to the song, listened, read & translated the text on pages 167-168. Homework: Listen using Otso app to the text on pages 176-177 and have a look at page 180 (the measurements in the US).


We read and translated "Astoria Finns", studied the lyrics of the song Penny Lane (1966) by the Beatles and watched the song video We started Unit 7 by exercises (in pairs)1 and key vocabulary on p. 166-167. We studied "relatiivipronominit" on p. 172 and did an additional ex on them. Homework: Read with Otso app text on pages 167-168 and do ex. 4 on p. 173 and ex. 6 on p. 175.


We checked the homework, did ex. 21a on p. 163 and an additional exercise on describing places, read "lyhennetyt muodot" on p.158 and did ex. 19 and 20 on p. 159-161. Homework:Read page 165 "Astoria Finns". Think what song words you would like to study together in class.


We checked the homework, did an additional exercise on the perfect tense, listened, read and translated text "A walk in Astoria" p. 146-147. We did ex. 15 on p. 150, read p. 151 and listened to "Describing places" on p.162-163. Homework: Do ex. 18 on p. 156. We have a small vocabulary test on Unit 6; pages 133, 144 and 148.


We checked the homework, revised "perfekti" on p.140-141, did exercises 10 (p.144), ex. 11 (p.145) and ex. 12 (p. 146) and listened to "housing" vocabulary on p. 144. Homework: Do exercises 7a (p.142) and 9a (p. 143) and read & listen with otso- app "A walk in Astoria" (p. 146-147).


We checked the homework, read and translated "Fall break" on p. 131-132, did exercises 4 on p. 135 and 6 (different usage of the word time) on p. 139-140. We had a quick look at the educational system in the US (pages 136-137) and Britain. Homework: Do exercises 16a and 17a&b on pages 154-155.


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and "Say 4 in English" lines 16-30. We did exercises 17a&b on p. 127, ex. 18 a&b on p. 128-129. We looked at key vocabulary for Unit 6 on p. 131 and ex. 1 on p. 130. Homework: Finish "Say 4 in English" from line 31 onwards. Read text "Fall break" & vocabulary on p. 131-133 with Otso- application.

Puhutaan englantia, Thursday 17.00-18.30



On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to Yle News in English, continued ex. 5 on p. 51, read pronunciation on p. 53 and did an additional exercise on selling different types of houses and apartments.  In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to Yle News in English, did the pronunciation on p. 45, moved to chapter 4 "home", read ex. 1 on p. 47 and started ex. 5 on p. 51. Homework: Do ex. 4 on p. 50 and ex. 7 on p. 52.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to Yle News in English, did an additional exercise on hobbies and started exercises on Time on p. 39 1&2. Homework: Do ex. 8 on p. 43 and think of your answers for ex. 7 on p. 43, too.


On zoom, we checked the homework, discussed ex. 3a&b on p. 30 (hobbies), did ex. 4 & 6 on p. 32-33 and read the hobbies on pages 35-36 and listened to the pronunciation on p. 37. Homework: Do ex.7 on p. 33.


On zoom, we checked the homework, did ex. 2 on p. 11, ex. 1b on p. 14, ex. 3 on p. 15 and did an additional questionnaire regarding diffrent situations. Homework: Think in advance your answers for exercises 5&6 on page 26.


On zoom, we listened to Yle news in English, discussed the articles you read, read an article from the Guardian to do with gossip, . We did an additional vocabulary exercise. Homework: Do these additional voacabulary exercises (you can see the answers, too). You can find this in the pdf.


We read about the upcoming Finnish "lockdown" from The Guardian, did ex. 5 on p. 200 in pairs & in pairs did a crossword exercise  on society vocabulary (p. 202-203). We read about the Finnish political parties from wikipedia, and studied the parties in parliament and in opposition. Homework: Read an article (can be anything) in English.


We listened to Yle News of the day, checked the homework, did in pairs ex. 6a&b, listened to pronunciation on p. 203 and in pairs discussed ex. 4d on p. 199. Homework: Do exercise 5a (think in advance) and b on p. 200.


We checked the homework, started chapter 20 "Society" by doing ex. 1 on p. 196, ex. 3 a&b on p.198 and ex. 4 on p. 199.  Homework: Read in English a piece of news/page about the Finnish government 


We checked the homework, did exercises 2 (p. 189), studied ex. 6 (p. 192), listened to pronunciation (p.195) and an additional listening ex. on natural disasters. Homework: Read an article in English to do with the environment and tell about it shortly to the others.


We discussed the articles you had read, the words aboriginal vs indigenous people, did exercise 2b on p. 189 and discussed ex. 5 natural disasters on p. 191. Homework: Do exercises 3 (p. 190) and 8 (p. 193).


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and watched the laureate Amanda Gorman recite a poem for Joe Biden, We did an exercise in groups watching photographs and inventing a piece of news out of it. We started chapter 19 and discussed ex. 1 on p. 188. Homework: Read an article in English to do with the environment and tell about it shortly to the others.

Arkipäivän englantia 2, torstai 15.00-16.30



On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to the text on p. 188, did listening ex. 5a on p. 192 and filled in the blanks "ajan ja paikan ilmaisut" on p. 194. In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.


On zoom, we checked the homework,  did the intonation exercises on p. 184-185. We started Unit 8 by doing ex. 1 (p. 186-187) in groups and checked the key vocabulary. We listened to the vocabulary on p. 189 and listened to "The reunion" on p. 188. Homework: Translate p. 188 text and do these "Say 4" lines.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to "Emailing" on p. 173-174 examples. We did exercises 9 & 10 on p. 175, 12a on p. 178, studied pages 180-182and did exercises 15 in pairs and 16 on p. 183. Homework: Do this "Say 4 in English".


On zoom, we checked the homework, read the job advertisement on p. 166 and translated it. We studied be vs. have on p. 169 and ex. 5 on p. 170, studied p. 171 "of" and did ex. 7 and 8 on p. 172. We also listened to the text on p. 176 and read it. Homework: Do ex. 4 on p. 168 and 11a on p. 178.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to text & examples on p. 160, did listening exercise 20 on p. 162 & ex. 15. We started Unit 7 by doing ex. 1a on p.164 and studying more vocabulary and read ex. 1b.  Homework: Do exercise 3 on p.167 and 13 (countries) on p. 179.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to text on p. 153, did ex. 13 (p.154), studied there is/are/was/were on pages 156-157. We did ex. 16a on p.158 and ex. 19 on p. 161. Homework: Do ex. 18 on p.161 and this additional vocabulary exercise.


We listened and read the text "Nature´s fireworks" on p.142-143, did an additional exercise on weather vocabulary and ex. 4a on p. 144 & 5a on p. 145, studied yleis- and kestopreesens on p. 146-148 and did an additional exercise on it. Homework: Do exercises 6 and 7 on pages 148-149.


We checked the homework, studied "should, could" on p. 135-136, did ex. 15a on p. 136, studied "can" on p. 137 and did ex. 17 and 18 on p. 138-139. Started Unit 6 by exercise 1b on p.141 and by studying weather vocabulary (p. 150) and did ex. 10a. Homework: Read with Otso application the text on p. 142-143.


We checked the homework, listened to p. 127 "emergency symptoms", did ex. 9a on p.128, ex. 10 on p. 129, listened to pages 130-131 and did ex. 11. We also listened to text " A visit to the A&E", p. 132-133. Homework: Do ex. 9b on p. 128 and 13 on p. 134. Next week, we have a small vocabulary test on p. 121, 127, 133 and the photocopy "vapaa-aikaan liittyviä sanontoja".


We checked the homework, did exercise 6b (p. 124), went through a new photocopy (vapaa-aikaan liittyvä sanasto, picture on p. 118) and reviewed imperfect on p. 124-125. Homework: Finish lines 39-44 of photocopy "Say 4 in English" and do ex. 8a on page 126.


We checked the homework, listened to "the hike" on p. 120-121 and translated it. We did exercise 3 on page 122, finished key vocabulary on p. 119 and started ex. 6a bodyparts on p. 123. Homework: Say 4 photocopy, lines 30-38, exercises 4a on p. 122 and 6a bodyparts.


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and had a quick look at  We checked "Say 4 in English" lines 11-19, revised numbers with exercise 14a&b (p. 115-116) and had a look at key vocabulary on p. 119. Homework: Read "The Hike" text & vocabulary on p. 120-121 using Otso - application (käytä Otso-sovellusta kännyssä/tabletissa), do "Say 4 in English" lines 20-29.

Englantia melkein alusta, tiistai 17.00-18.30



On zoom,  we checked the homework (Say 4 1-35) and in the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied p. 106 "small talk", reviewed colours and did ex. 12 and 13 on p. 107, studied "would like" on p. 108, the text on p. 109 and the examples, too. Did exercises 15 in pairs, listening exercise 16 and 17 on p. 110, and the pronunciation exercises on p. 111. Homework: "Say 4" lines 15-35 and this additional crossword (you find these in the pdf).


On zoom, we checked the homework, we listened, read and translated the text "The dinner party" on p. 102, did exercises 6 (p.100), 8 and 9 on page 103,  studied pages 95 "like" and did ex. 4 in pairs, studied "käskymuoto" on p. 101, discussed (juttelimme) in pairs ex. 11 on p. 105. Homework: Do ex. 10a on p. 104 (we started this on zoom) and do this "Say 4 in English" exercise. Next week we have a vocabulary test on pages 93 and 102.


On zoom, we checked the homework, started unit 4 with key vocabulary on p. 90 and ex. 1a,b&c on p. 91, listened (kuuntelimme) the text on p. 92 and did read it in pairs. We studied pages 96-97, 98-99, laskettavat ja ei-laskettavat substantiivit. We did (teimme) exercise 5 on p. 97. Homework: Do exercises 3 on p. 94, 6a on p. 100 and 7 on p. 101.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied p. 80 persoonapronominit and did exercises 13, 14 and an additional exercise on persoonapronominit, read (luimme) p. 81 text speak, did ex. 18 & 20 on p. 89.  Homework: read using otso app p. 86 "At the airport" & p. 87 "arrive" and do exercise 17 on p. 86.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied p. 72 & 74, did exercises 6a (p. 73), 8a (p.75), studied p. 83 seasons and months, did ex. 16a (p. 84-85), listened to ex. 19 (p. 88) and listened to text on p. 79. Homework: Do exercise 10 on p. 78 and this additional exercise on months.


We checked the homework, we listened and repeated texts on p. 57, 63 and 69. We did ex. 16&17 on p.64-65, studied p. 67, chores on p. 71 and household appliances on p. 77. We did exercise 11 on p. 78. Homework: Do exercises 4a on p.70 and 9a on p. 76 and translate p. 69.


We checked the homework, studied the plural (monikko) on pages 54-56, did ex. 7 and 8 on p. 56-57, did an additional exercise on the plural, listened to "At Heathrow Airpport" on p. 57, revised (kertasimme) can on p. 59 and did exercise 11 on p. 60 and asked "can you" or do "you like" questions with different hobbies.  Homework: Do exercise 9 on page 58. Ensi viikolla olemme kielistudiossa!


We checked the homework, did ex. 1 on p. 45 "to play", ex. 3, listened & translated text on p. 46, read pages 49-51. Homework: Do ex. 4 on p.52, write 4 sentences (4 lausetta). Next week, we have a small vocabulary test on p. 21, 23, 26, 37 and p.29 persoonapronominit.


We checked the homework, did the pronunciation exercise on p. 35-36, read "theme vocabulary" professions (ammatit) on p. 37, did ex. 14a (p. 36), ex. 18 (p. 40), ex. 19 (p.42) and ex. 21 (p. 43). We also listened and repeated the text on p. 46 & p. 26. Homework: Do exercises 8 (p.28), ex. 12 write 3 sentences (3 lausetta yhteensä käyttäen am,are,is), ex. 16a (p. 38-39) and ex. 17a (p.39).


We checked the homework, read & translated p. 23 and vocabulary, studied the genitive (omistaminen p. 22), did (teimme) ex. 2 (p. 24), 4b and 5 on page 25, listened & translated (käänsimme) "Dinner conversation" (p. 26). We also (myös) studied persoonapronomien omistusmuodot (minun, sinun, etc.) on pages 28-29 and did (teimme) exercises 9, 10 a&b on p. 29-30. Homework: Do exercises 4a on page 25, 11a on page 30 and fill in (täytä) pages 31-33, be-verbin kertuasta. Ensi viikolla olemme kielistudiossa!


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and had a quick look at  (tarkistimme coronatilanteen Englannissa ja pikaisesti USAmn uuden presidentin virkaanastujaisnettisivuston). We revised (kertasimme) exercises in the new book, pages 9-19. We read Anna's profile on page 21 and key vocabulary (avainsanasto) on p. 20. Homework: Read Pekka's profile on p. 21 and "A message from John" + vocabulary on p. 23 using (käyttäen) Otso-application (Otso-sovellus kännyssä/tabletissa).

Englantia eteenpäin, Tuesday 15.00 - 16.30



On zoom, we checked the homework, listend, read and translated the interview on p. 187 and did ex. 16c on p. 188. We also did ex. 16d in pairs.  In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.


On zoom, we checked the homework, did ex. 10c on p. 179 and an additional exercise on shortened words, listened to the text on p. 183-184, did listening exercise 14 on p. 185 and  ex. 15 on p. 185, listenning exercise 18 on p. 190-191. Homework: Read the vocabulary on p. 186 and the interview on p. 187 (otso app). Do this "Say 4" exercise.


On zoom, we checked the homework, we listened, read and translated the text on p. 174-175, did ex. 9 on p. 177, studied p. 180-181 and did ex. 11 on p. 182, discussed ex. 13 on p. 183 and listened to the shortened words on p. 178.  Homework: Do this additional exercise and ex. 12a on p. 182. Next week we have a vocabulary test on pages 168 & 176.


On zoom, we checked the homework, listened to the text on p. 166-167 and translated it. We did ex. 5b on p. 170 (prepositions), did a quiz on Australia, read the travel tips on p. 171, studied "it" on p. 172-173 and did ex. 6 on p. 173. Homework: Listen to text on p. 174-175 using Otso. Do this additional exercise.


On zoom, we checked the homework, did some additional exercises, started Unit 7 by ex. 1a on p. 164. We studied Uluru rock in Australia, key vocabulary on p. 166 and listened once to text on p. 166-167. Homework: Do ex. 2a&b on p. 165 and 3a on p. 169.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied mdaaliset apuverbit on pages 151-152 and did exercises 11 & 12 (p. 153). We did an additional exercise on flight vocabulary and did in pairs ex. 15a on p. 160. We also did ex. 17a on pages 162-163. Homework: Read using Otso app pages 157-159.


We checked the homework, studied p. 145 and did ex. 7e in groups, listened and read text on pages 147-148, did ex. 9 on p. 150, did an additional exercise on Singapore, read "law and order in Singapore" and discussed the laws. Homework: Read p. 155 in advance (Otso app does NOT have this).


We checked the homework, read & trnaslated the text on p. 138-139, did key vocabulary on p. 138, did ex. 2 on p. 137 and studied p. 142-143 and did ex. 5 on p. 143. Homework: Do ex. 6 on p. 144 and read with "Travel tips" on p. 144.


We checked the homework, did an additional exercise on "persoonapronominit", read p.129, did ex. 17 on page 135, read pages 130-132 and did ex. 15 & 16. Homework: Listen with Otso-app the text on p. 138-139. We have a small vocabulary test on p. 113, 124 and 135.


We checked the homework, did additional exercises on kestoimperfekti and "sama sana, eri merkityksiä", listened to the text on p. 123-124, studied p. 126 pers.pronominit. Homework: translate text on p. 123-124, read pages 126-127 and do exercises 12a (p.125) and 13a on p. 127.


We checked the homework, listened to the text on p. 112-113 and vocabulary, did exercises 2 (p. 111), 5 (p. 114), revised the imperfect on pages 115-16, did ex. 6 and 7 (p. 117-118). Homework: Do exercises 8a (p. 119) and 10 a&b (p. 121-122).


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and had a quick look at  We read "fake news" on p. 107 and did exercises 16a and18a on p. 108-109. Homework: Read text + vocabulary on p.112-113 using Otso-application (Otso sovellus).

Englantia aamuvirkuille Tuesday 9.30 - 11.00



On zoom, we checked the homework, listened and read in goups the text on pages 30-31 and did listening exercise 4 on p. 29. In the end of the lesson, we played "Heads Up!" (alias suomeksi), a word game, (heads up, varoitus). We watched a video with Harrison Ford and Ellen de Generes playing this game. In groups you chose a word and gave hints to others without using the chosen word. This was our lest lesson of the spring.



On zoom, we checked the homework and listened to the texts on p. 27-28. Started translating it and read the text in pairs. Homework: Finish translating the text on p. 27-28, do exercises 3a, 3b and 3c (thinking of the pandemic) on p. 28.


On zoom, we checked the homework,  did ex. 8a on p. 15, had a look at p. 18 "What's in a word?" and started Step 2 working in pairs and discussing ex. 1 (p. 24) and 2a on p. 25. Homework: Think of your answers to this game, do ex. 11 on p. 19. Next week we have a vocabulary test on pages 20-22.



On zoom, we checked the homework, did ex. 5 in pairs on p. 12, listened and read in pairs ex. 10 on p. 17 and listened to ex. 10A on p.17 and ex. 8b on p. 15. Homework: Do exercises 7 on p. 14 and 12 on p. 19.


On zoom, we checked the homework, we did listening exercise 3, listened to the text on pages 10-11, did ex. 4b and 9 in pairs. Homework: Do the extra game from the pdf and ex. 6a on p. 13.


On zoom, we checked the homework, studied "This mongrel English" on p.9 (SS3 book) and started to read out loud text on pages 10-11. Homework: Listen to text (p. 10-11) with Otso app. Do final exercices of Stepping Stones 2 book, Stop 3, ex. 7 on p.192 and 8c on p.194.


We checked the homework, did more exercises from Stop3, ex. 4a&b on p. 190, ex. 6 on p.192. We did an exercise with questions (answers were given to us). We started Stepping Stones 3 with exercises in pairs, ex. 1&2 on p. 8. Homework: Do Stop 3 exersises from the old book, ex.5a&b on p. 191, ex. 8b on p. 194 and ABC quiz on p. 198-199.


We checked the homework, did exercise 10 on p. 178 and did ex. 4a  on p. 190, Stop 3. Homework: Do ex. 3 on p.189, ex. 14 on p. 181 and do the "sanasilta" exercise on nature.


We checked the homework,  did exercises 3 (p.170-171) and 9 (p.177). Read p. 177 "a lot and few" and we listened to "A gentle hike" on pages 174-175. Homework: Do exercises 12 and 13 (p.180-181). Next week, we have a small vocabulary test on pages 182-185.


We checked the homework, went through the vocabulary of a photocopy "Finnish wildlife", read and translated texts on pages 169-170 and discussed ex. 4B on page 172. Homework: Do exercises 2a&b (p. 170) and 6a (think of your answers) &b (p.173). 


We checked the homework, discussed in groups exercise 1 on page 168. We listened to the text "Farmland" (p. 169), read and translated it. We revised a lot of different words to do with Finnish nature. Homework: Listen to texts "forest and lakeside" (p.169) with Otso-application and translate them.


We checked the covid-19 situation in England, and had a quick look at We did listening exercise 8 on page 156 and 10 a&b on pages 158-159. Homework:  Exercise 10c on p. 160.

perjantai 27. syyskuuta 2019

Ranskaa eteenpäin lundi 17.00 - 18.30



Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs.  Nous avons fait un jeu avc le conditionnel, une exercice avec l' usage du passé composé et l' imparfait, lu le texte à la page 50 et fait l' ex. 25.  A la fin, nous avons joué  "Charades" (une charade= pantomiimi) et regardé ce vidéo. Nous avons joué plus simplement en choisissant un mot et donnant des indices de ce mot aux autres.


Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs. Nous avons continué avec le conditionnel (p. 49) en faisant les exercices 17 et 22. Nous avons écouté le vocabulaire thématique (p. 43) et fait les ex. 11, 13 et 14 à la page 44. Devoirs: Faire les exercices 18 (p. 48) et écrire (ou penser) aux réponses de l' ex. 23 (p. 49).


Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs. Nous avons étudié les mots de la chanson "La chanson de Prévert" par Serge Gaingsbourg, chanté par Jane Birkin et Charlotte Gaingsbourg. Nous avons fait les exercices 5 (p. 38) et ex. 8 en groupe (p. 39). Nous avons écouté le vocabulaire à la page 41 et commencé le conditionnel (pages 45-46). Devoirs: Remplir la page 46 (le conditionnel en bas), ex. 6 (p.38) et ex. 7 (p.39). La semaine prochaine 19.4. nous avons un petit examen de vocabulaire, p. 36 et 41.


Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs, avons lu les pages 30-31 et fait l'ex. 22, nous avons fait quelques exercices en plus sur les départements des épiceries (charcuterie, les produits laitiers etc) et le passé composé et l' imparfait. Nous avons commencé texte 2 à la p. 33 et écouté le texte (34-35). Devoirs: Faire ces exercices, vous les trouvez dans le pdf.


 Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs, regardé les ingrédients pour une salade niçoise, p. 25 en-pronominaali et fait les exercices 13,15, 16, 20 du texte 1. Devoirs: faire ces exercices, vous les trouvez dans le pdf.


Sur zoom, nous avons vérifié les devoirs, regardé les mesures en français, fait les exercices 9 (p,.22), 11 (p. 23), étudié la page 24 (partitiivinen artikkeli) et nous avons commencé l'exercice 12 (p. 25). Devoirs: Finir l'exercice 12 (p.25), faire les exercices 14 (raconter., p. 26) et 17a&b à la page 28.


Nous avons vérifié les devoirs, étudié de nouveau les pronoms relatifs (qui, que, dont et où), lu le texte "Acheter bio" (p. 16-17) et fait les ex. 6 et 1 (p. 15 et 20). Devoirs: Faire ex. 4 à la page 20 et lire une recette en français (si possible, quelque chose français). La prochaine fois racontez de votre recette, les ingrédients et comment on la prépare.


Nous avons vérifié les devoirs, fait le test santé (p. 10 Escalier 3), ex. 3&4 à la page 11 et ex. 6 (p. 12). Devoirs: lire texte "Acheter bio" (pages 16-17) avec l' application Otso.


Nous avons vérifié les devoirs, regardé la bande-annonce (traileri) de Lupin sur Netflix, fait les exercices 12, 13, 17 et 21 (texte 12) et lu les pages 228-229. Devoirs: Faire les exercices 14, 15 et 16 (pages 229-230). La prochaine fois nous avons un test de vocabulaire (sur les pages 220 et 230) et nous commençons le livre Escalier 3.


Nous avons vérifié les devoirs, révisé les numéros, fait les exercices 7 (p.223), 11 (p.226), étudié "au téléphone" p.230, 19 (p. 232) et 22 (p.233) les liaisons. Devoirs: traduire ex. 22 (p. 233) en finnois et ex. 18 (231) en écriture.


Nous avons vérifié les devoirs, fait un exercice interrogant des immigrés imaginaire (haastatteluharjoitus), écouté et lu texte 12  et le vocabulaire (p. 218-220) et étudié les francophones à Canada. Devoirs: Faire les exercices 3-5 (pages 221-222).


Nous avons révisé et regardé la situation covid en France, avec le vidéo du premier ministre Jean Castex. Nous avons écouté texte 11 de nouveau (page 200-201) et expressions courantes (p. 212), révisé les numéros, fait l' exercice 5 (p. 204), 21& 22 (p. 214-215). Devoirs: Lire les virelangues de nouveau (p. 215) et faire l'exercice 10 (p. 207) en écriture.